Segovia hosted the VI International Swift Conference, the first to be held on the Iberian Peninsula.
Segovia is a small city in central Spain with a great cultural and architectural heritage, known worldwide for its famous ancient aqueduct. In addition, it has an important natural heritage, especially birds and especially swifts, with an important breeding colony in the aqueduct.
In recent years, the city has made great strides in reconciling its architectural and natural heritage, allowing wildlife to continue to co-exist with human inhabitants.
The proximity of Segovia to the capital of Spain, Madrid, ensured easy communication by public transport. Segovia also has a wide range of hotels and restaurants, which allowed attendees to fully enjoy this beautiful city.
The Conference took place in May 2022. It featured presentations and lectures on topics including swift biology, migration and geolocation technology, aerodynamics, radar studies, rehabilitation, conservation measures, and promotion, including the presentation of specific projects. , as well as culture and education, works of art and photography. Contributions based on personal experiences and scientific research were shared, and artwork, posters, and materials related to the project's work were displayed.
Exclusive complementary activities were also scheduled for those attending the congress.
The objective was involve the general public of Segovia in the knowledge of swifts and spread among them the importance of the conference.
Friday, 20 May 2022
17:00 Children's creative workshop "Between clouds with swifts" by the Segovian sculptor, Nieves Estaire.
19:30 Informative talk "The extraordinary history of swifts" by Gloria Molina, Zoologist.
Place: Casa de la Lectura Juan Bravo Street 11, Segovia
Saturday, 21 May 2022
19:00 Observation point of the aqueduct swifts. Organized Foro GeoBiosfera
Tuesday, 24 May 2022
19:00 Reception and welcome (place: pending)
Wednesday, 25 May 2022
09:00 Reception
09:30 Welcome of organization and personalities
10:00 Opening Conference: Edward Mayer: "Why Support Urban Biodiversity? Helping Swifts, helping Wildlife, helping Ourselves"
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Oral communications:
• Jaap Langenbach & Rick Wortelboer: “The Common Swifts nesting sites – Experience from Swift Towers in The Netherlands”
• Susanna Meyer: “Settlement patterns of Common Swifts Apus apus in the church Oberkich in northwestern Switzerland”
• Tim Collins: “A Growing Swift Colony - the first 18 years“
• Lynda Huxley & Chris Huxley: “Reversing the decline. Swift nest box projects in the West of Ireland: comparing built-in with externally-mounted”
• Rosalina Montes: “Reproductive success of the collared swift (Streptoprocne zonaris) in south-central Cuba”
• Marcel S. Jacquat: “Observations on the fidelity of the Common Swift to its artificial nesting site”
13:30 Walk to the Acueduct
14:00 Lunch in Casares Restaurant (Avda. Padre Claret 2, Segovia)
17:30 Guided visit to the Alcazar
Thursday, 26 May 2022
08:30 Reception
09:00 Plenary conference: Dave Goulson: “Averting the insect apocalypse”
10:00 Oral communications:
• Marco Cucco: “Census of swift colonies in medium-large cities: seven cases from N-Italy”
• Lyndon Kearsley & Dick Newell: “The strategies and timing of Eastern Common Swift (Apus apus pekinensis) migration between Beijing, China and Africa”
• Volker Voigtländer, V., Bösl, M.: “How to save Swift nest places in historic monuments - an encouraging experience from the roman cathedral of Worms (D)”
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Oral communications
• Renata Neves Biancalana: “Conservation of Sick’s Swifts (Chaetura meridionalis) in Southern Brazil: a successful citizen science initiative”
• Montse López Molina: “Administration measures to conserve and protect the protected fauna of the cities in the Barcelona area”
• Elena Muñoz López & Nat Argullós: “Preservation of nesting places, refuges and colonies of alpine swifts in the Barcelona metropolitana rea in interventions by rural agents in the Barcelona region”
• Thomas Starkmann: “Common swift (Apus apus) in Vienna: status and conservation of nesting sites”
• Francisco Sánchez Aguado et al: “First insights on the breeding biology and migratory pattern of the Common Swift (Apus apus) in Segovia (Central Spain) population”
13:50 Lunch
15:30 Plenary conference: Mauro Ferri: “Swifts in ancient and modern buildings in Italy Raising awareness for good practices for their conservation, facing very bad times”
16:30 Oral communications:
• Jacques Laesser & Christoph Meier - Never change a running system - Fidelity to the breeding area, migration route and to the wintering grounds
• Gert de Jong:Monitoring swift nests in Amsterdam: will nest boxes safe the population in the old city?
• Francisco Javier Sáez Frayssinet: “Evolution of swift protection in Segovia”
17:30 Coffee break
18:00 Birdwatching around Segovia
Friday, 27 May 2022
08:30 Reception
09:00 Plenary conference: Enric Fusté: “Hand-rearing orphan Swifts: research, protocol, diet and experiences from a prestigious wildlife rehabilitation centre”
10:00 Oral communications:
• Natalia Pastor: Squamous metaplasia compatible with hypovitaminosis A in common house martins (Delichon urbicum) with conjunctivitis
• Jacques Laesser: Adoption as an opportunity for abandoned swift chicks... at the expense of adoptive siblings?
• Rick Wortelboer: The Common Swift: What about being the only child?
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Oral communications:
• Francisco Amorós: What kills Swifts wich die? An approaching of the main causes of death in these birds
• Elena Moreno Portillo: Plastic is in the air ¿How can it affect swifts?
• Jaroslaw Majkusiak: Day and Night with the Swifts
• Lyndon Kearsley et al: The aeroecology of atmospheric convergence zones: the case of Pallid swifts
• Tyson Lee Holmes et al: Birds with multiple homes. The annual cycle of the pallid swift (Apus pallidus brehmorum)
• Milo Manica - How do swifts select their urban habitat? A citizen science program try to answer in province of Varese, Italy
• Michael Helm, Drew Schwitters & Diane Yorgason-Quinn: Vaux’s Happening-14 Million and Counting
14:00 Lunch
15:30 Oral communications:
• Renata Neves Biancalana: "When the dead talk: swift specimens in scientific collections can help us understand their biology and evolution"
• Evert Pellenkoft: A Swift’s eye view: there is more to it than meets our eye
• Ángel Velasco: "Common Swift (Apus apus) rescue campaigns in Toledo (central Spain): a successful citizen science initiative"
• Giuliana Pulvirenti: APUS & CO TRACKER: a project that combines environmental education, wildlife conservation and population data collection in Citizen Science.
• Eugenia Parisi: Rondoni Campigliesi/Swifts of Campiglia – Involving a community in caring for its Swifts
• Sarah Gibson: Swifts & Us: the Life of the Bird that sleeps in the Sky 17:30 Coffee break 18:00 Oral communications:
• Francesco Mezzatesta: Gruppo Rondoni (Italia) in action in Parma and other italian towns
• Franco Sacchetti: “Dove i rondoni vanno a dormire” (Where swifts go to sleep)
19:00 Presentation of candidatures and vote of the headquarters of 2024
19:15 Closing ceremony
21:00 Congress dinner
Saturday, 28 May 2022
9:00 Visit to Hoces del Duratón Natural Park.
Hoces del Duratón Natural Park is located the northeast of Segovia, downstream from the town of Sepúlveda. In this area the river Duratón embedded in a deep canyon, which insome places reaches more than 100 meters in depth. The gorge contains great archaeological and historical richness which adds to the interest and beauty of the landscape.
In the high rocky cliffs that surround the gorges, almost 250 pairs of Griffon Vultures nest,as well as a good number of Egyptian Vultures, Golden Eagles and Peregrine Falcons.
The natural values of the area are enhanced, both historically and artistically, by the Romanesque Hermitage of San Frutos, caves with Bronze Age engravings and the architectural complex of Sepúlveda.
Asociación Vultour Naturaleza
Sunday, 29 May 2022
9:00 Birdwatching trip "Vulture´s Hide"
Visit "Mirador de los Buitres" (Vulture's Hide) El Espinar (Segovia)
Birdwatching tour to "Mirador de los Buitres" by the feeding areas of the carrion birds in El Espinar, Segovia.
From here you will be able to observe and enjoy the necrophagous birds that come to the feeding areas and see one of the greatest events of the Iberian fauna, the "feast of the vultures" from a hide located in the village of El Espinar (Segovia), Biosphere Reserve and National Park of the Sierra de Guadarrama.
The tour takes place in the Special Protection Zone for Birds "Campo Azálvaro-Pinares de Peguerinos", a natural area protected by the Natura 2000 Program.
Asociación Colectivo Azálvaro

Edward Mayer
"Why Support Urban Biodiversity? Helping Swifts, helping Wildlife, helping Ourselves"
Edward Mayer is founder of the Swift Conservation association

Enric Fusté
"Hand-rearing orphan Swifts: research, protocol, diet and experiences from a prestigious wildlife rehabilitation centre. ".
Enric Fusté, BSc MSc Wild Animal Biology MRSB. Wildlife Rehabilitator at the Centre de Fauna Aiguamolls de L'Empordà

Dave Goulson
"Averting the insect apocalypse"
Dave Goulson is Professor of Biology at University of Sussex,

Mauro Ferri
"Swifts in ancient and modern buildings in Italy. Raising awareness, involving groups and owners and authorities to co-work defining validated good practices.".
Mauro Ferri, Swift Festival - Swifts & Fun; Monumenti Vivi; Associazione Ornitologi Emilia Romagna)
Swift Behaviour
Mark Smyth - What do swifts eat and where do they find it
Jaroslaw Majkusiak - Day and Night with the Swifts
Lyndon Kearsley & Dick Newell - The strategies and timing of Eastern Common Swift (Apus apus pekinensis) migration between Beijing, China and Africa.
Luit Buurma. - Nocturnal foraging above Lake IJssel: how Common Swifts develop socially a living map, a new hypothesis.
Francisco Sánchez Aguado and others - First insights on the breeding biology and migratory pattern of the Common Swift (Apus apus) in Segovia (Central Spain) population
Lyndon Kearsley and others - The aeroecology of atmospheric convergence zones: the case of Pallid swifts
Jacques Laesser & Christoph Meier - Never change a running system - Fidelity to the breeding area, migration route and to the wintering grounds
Nesting & Breeding
Tim Collins - A Growing Swift Colony - the first 18 years
Elena Muñoz López & Nat Argullós - Preservation of nesting places, refuges and colonies of alpine swifts in the Barcelona metropolitan area in interventions by rural agents in the Barcelona region
Jaap Langenbach & Rick Wortelboer - The Common Swifts nesting sites – Experience from Swift Towers in The Netherlands.
Lynda Huxley & Chris Huxley - Reversing the decline. Swift nest box projects in the West of Ireland: comparing built-in with externally-mounted
Susanna Meyer - Settlement patterns of Common Swifts Apus apus in the church Oberkich in northwestern Switzerland
Rosalina Montes - Reproductive success of the collared swift (Streptoprocne zonaris) in south-central Cuba
Nest Site Conservation
Voigtländer, V., Bösl, M.- How to preserve Swift breeding sites in historic monuments – an encouraging experience from the Roman cathedral of Worms (D)
Milo Manica and others- Which are the urban habitats selected by swifts? A citizen science program try to answer in province of Varese and Bergamo, Italy
Montse López Molina - Administration measures to conserve and protect the protected fauna of the cities in the Barcelona area
Marcel S. Jacquat - Observations on the fidelity of the Common Swift to its artificial nesting site
Francisco Javier Sáez Frayssinet- Evolution of Swift protection in Segovia
Bird Care
Natalia Pastor - Squamous metaplasia compatible with hypovitaminosis A in common house martins (Delichon urbicum) with conjunctivitis
Jacques Laesser - Adoption as an opportunity for abandoned swift chicks... at the expense of adoptive siblings?
Surveying & Monitoring
Marco Cucco - Census of swift colonies in medium-large cities: seven cases from N-Italy
Thomas Starkmann - Common swift (Apus apus) in Vienna: status and conservation of nesting sites
Gert de Jong - Monitoring of breeding swift population in Amsterdam
Dave Kilbey - Swift Mapper. A partnership approach to addressing the decline of swifts in the UK through citizen science
Giuliana Pulvirenti - APUS & CO TRACKER: a project that combines environmental education, wildlife conservation and population data collection in Citizen Science.
Swift Biology
Evert Pellenkoft - A Swift’s eye view: there is more to it than meets our eye
Rick Wortelboer - The Common Swift: What about being the only child?
Elena Moreno Portillo - Plastic is in the air. How can it affect swifts?
Francisco Amorós - What kills Swifts wich die? An approaching of the main causes of death in these birds
New World Swifts
Renata Neves Biancalana - Nest site fidelity in Neotropical swifts and its implications for species conservation
Michael Helm, Drew Schwitters & Diane Yorgason-Quinn - 14 Years of Vaux’s Happenings
Renata Neves Biancalana - Conservation of Sick’s Swifts (Chaetura meridionalis) in Southern Brazil: a successful citizen science initiative
Education & Promotion
Eugenia Parisi - Rondoni Campigliesi/Swifts of Campiglia – Involving a community in caring for its Swifts
Francesco Mezzatesta - Gruppo Rondoni (Italia) in action in Parma and other italian towns
Sarah Gibson - Swifts & Us: the Life of the Bird that sleeps in the Sky
Franco Sacchetti - “Dove i rondoni vanno a dormire” (Where swifts go to sleep)
Travel from Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas airport to Madrid and Madrid to Segovia (Bus: Avanza Bus and Train: RENFE)